The Secrets of YouTube Marketing Success – @DottoTech

Steve-Dotto-PinterestPerhaps you know and appreciate the value of a good blog these days, but just aren’t a great wordsmith. Maybe you have a great personality but just aren’t having any luck getting that to show through on paper. Why not consider making videos instead?

But there’s a lot more involved than just creating a great video. You need to figure out how to create momentum for your video within the first 24-48 hours to give yourself a real advantage over your competitors. Finding creative and successful ways to shine a light on your content and get it out there is the key to video success. Think titles, descriptions, tags, and cross promotion, among other things.

Steve Dotto has parlayed his 15+ years of nationally syndicated TV show experience into a wildly popular YouTube channel where he continues to educate and entertain, while also focusing on helping others grow and monetize their own YouTube channels.

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How to Market Your Business on YouTube – @schmittastic

Amy-Schmittauer-PinterestDigital marketing is key in this day and age. But how do you translate what you and your brand really are into what your audience will find interesting and compelling? Online video may offer a solution.

Once you learn executable steps to discover your brand’s personality and market it across platforms in a way that works with the current trends of bringing stories and personality across, the possibilities are far reaching. Learning how to attract customers with effective content marketing versus just an obvious sales pitch can make all the difference.

Amy Schmittauer is the founder of Savvy Sexy Social, and has been helping brands find and show off their personalities online in order to grow awareness and increase sales as part of their social media marketing strategies.

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How to Make Better Videos for the Web – Caleb Wojcik

Caleb-Wojcik-PinterestHave you ever considered using video as a tool to help you grow your business? Think of how much time you spend every day watching TV, movies and other video-based content. Now imagine being able to reach your target audience that way.

Making videos doesn’t have to mean lots of expensive equipment and endless hours of editing. With the availability of so many free and inexpensive options, even the most novice of budding filmmakers can put out a great product that could be just the punch your marketing needs to entertain and inspire your audience.

Caleb Wojcik teaches video web production and has been making videos for nearly a decade, spanning everything from professional sports, commercials and even training videos. He has graciously shared some effective tips – including equipment and software recommendations – that will help you to make great videos regardless of your budget or skill level.

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The Zen of Social Media Marketing with Shama Hyder

shama-hyderIn her short professional career, Shama Hyder has used social media to build credibility, generate buzz and increase revenue for her business. Now she’s here to share with you how you can, too.

Shama is a sought after, well-resepected presenter on social media marketing for business. She’s the author of The Zen of Social Media Marketing, and runs her own social media consultancy company.

Big Ideas:

  • Social media is an accelerant if you wish to become known as an expert in your field. It allows you to become a thought leader in your industry in a shorter time.
  • Consistency is important and trumps variety (at least in terms of the number of platforms you’re on.) Better to be consistently present in one channel than sporadic in all.
  • Basics must come first. Why are you using social media? What are the business goals for being there? Leads? Awareness? Knowing this will help you determine how to best spend your time on which platforms.
  • Buzz is important to any small business. Whether you are a professional speaker or run a diner, if no one is talking about you, you’re dead in the water. Depending on your industry or business, where you need to generate buzz may differ.
  • Social media can increase revenues. However, it’s unlikely to work immediately, and it’s best used to build trust so that you’re more likely to make the sale.

Show Notes:

Rich Brooks
Social Media Consultant

James Wedmore on YouTube Marketing [Podcast]

James Wedmore: YouTube Marketing PodcastWant to appear on page one of search results and increase your conversion rates? The secret is YouTube marketing, and in the first episode of The Marketing Agents Podcast, James Wedmore shares all.

If you haven’t yet, be sure to head on over to iTunes to subscribe to The Marketing Agents Podcast!

Show Notes:

The Agents of Change Digital Marketing Conference: Join James Wedmore and dozens of marketing experts for the 2nd annual Agents of Change conference! In Portland, Maine, or online! Early bird tickets available through 7/31/2013.

How to review a podcast on iTunes: Coming soon! The best place to get free images for your business blog, website or slide deck. 

Google Keyword Tool: How to find the right keywords for your video.

James Wedmore’s YouTube channel: Be sure to check out James’s favorite place to hang out online and subscribe to his channel. James’s site.