I considered calling this article “13 Expert Podcasting Tips from The Experts,” but it felt too Spinal Tap for me.
If there is such a thing.
There’s a “Podcasting Renaissance” going on right now. Businesses and Internet marketers are realizing the benefits of having their own podcast…their own Internet radio show.
The benefits of podcasting are plentiful:
- Creating a podcast is simple and inexpensive (although you can certainly make it difficult and expensive if that’s how you roll.)
- You have a captive audience, because people often listen to podcasts while they’re doing something that keeps them from reading or watching videos, like driving in their car or running on a treadmill.
- You are quite literally inside your audience’s head, and they feel like they know you.
- People subscribe to your podcast, so it’s delivered to them automatically, not unlike an email newsletter.
Since I’m no podcasting expert, I decided to tap some friends who were. Here are expert podcasting tips from 13 professionals who are knocking it out of the park. Keep reading!