Social media can be used in almost any B2B (business to business) lead capture program and can increase the chances of landing the big sale. Here’s how you can improve your lead generation and close rate.
“Social media is fine for consumer brands, but it won’t work for me because we only sell to other businesses.”
Have you ever heard that before? Ever thought it yourself?
The other day I was speaking to a sales person who sold wood-burning furnaces to big institutions; he was convinced that social media couldn’t help him generate leads or land any sales. He believed that the CFOs and Heads of Maintenance (the two groups he had to convince in any organization) weren’t using social media…at least not for business.
Here are a few of the suggestions I shared with him about how he could leverage social media to increase the number of B2B sales he landed this year.
You seem like a smart man/woman/search engine bot; I’m guessing that you can extrapolate some of the ideas here into your own B2B lead generation program.
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